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Display of custom attributes in groups

  • Allplan 2022
  • [AIDP-151662]

We have a question regarding attribute groups.
We have set groups of attributes but it does not display them properly in the 'Modify Attributes' window (as it is in the 'Attribute Selection' window), is it possible to edit this manually? So that the attributes are grouped as when created. Please note the short video. Thank you.

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Groups for Attributes in List of Attributes/modify attributes have only purpose in this sight.
you should look in STD ...
there are some file with this name AttrGroups01.xml (with different numbers).
this files are showing groups of attributes at object.

Namenlos gezeichnet in vollem Bewusstsein - ignorant, in eigen Augen vermutlich höflich, dennoch unhöflichst, unfreundlichst wer einen/viele vermutete - sich von alters erschließende Namen nennt.

I have created a ticket for that.

best regards

Allplan Product Owner