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[Frage] Displaying stairs in horizontal section

  • Allplan 2018


I've got some problem with displaying concrete stairs in the Horizontal Section. I want it to look like in the Attachment 1, I mean this Section line. But it's only work is Plan, in the Horizontal Section I can't get that line. Moreover stairs in horizontal section are displaying like a normal concrete object (Attachment 2) which is correct but I am used to displaying it like in the Attachment 1. Is there any way to make this also in the Horizontal Section? Or I just need to delete stairs in section and draw it manually?

Thanks You for your help.


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Hi Kamil.

You could use a separate drawing file only for the stairs, which you don´t include in the horizontal section.
And in this drawing file you use the "Section in Plan"-Tool on all the stairs.

Later you combine the horizontal section and the file containing the stairs in the Layout Editor.


GEA Arquitectos S.L.P.
Calle Gerardo Diego 6A | 41013 Sevilla | Spain

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Hi Kamil.

You could use a separate drawing file only for the stairs, which you don´t include in the horizontal section.
And in this drawing file you use the "Section in Plan"-Tool on all the stairs.

Later you combine the horizontal section and the file containing the stairs in the Layout Editor.


GEA Arquitectos S.L.P.
Calle Gerardo Diego 6A | 41013 Sevilla | Spain

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