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[Frage] Error when installing and running Allplan 2023-0-1

When installing Allplan 2023-0-1, it shows error

Ordinal <54> Could Not Be Located in the Dynamic Link C:\Program Files\Allplan\Allplan\2023\Prg\NemAll_DataResource20.dll

When lauching Allplan, it shows the same error and it can't be used.

When lauching Allplan Bridge 2023-0-1, it shows the same error and an additional error

Ordinal <52> Could Not Be Located in the Dynamic Link C:\Program Files\Allplan\Allplan\2023\Prg\NemAll_Lic3Support.dll

But it can be used after these two errors.

While Allplan 2023-0-0 works fine for me.

looks like a licences Issue. please contact support

Allplan Webentwicklung

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Which error is related to "a licences Issue"?
I assume it's NemAll_Lic3Support.dll. But this error doesn't occur during installation.

The error that occur during installation is related to NemAll_DataResource20.dll.