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[Frage] Extend ToolTips

  • Toolcips

Extend tooltips are only displayed if actionbar configuration is ennabled.

extended tooltips are only displayd configuration is enabled.

but allplan2022 is not working.

If you have any other settings, please let me know.

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I can't use this new feature.
Need to open a project file?
Does it work if I open hello allplan, for example?


I wrote:
Extend tooltips are not working in Allplan 2022-0-5.
So be patient and it will work again in a future version when the development team has fixed this feature.

I hope it will be improved soon. Thank you very much.


The version 2022-0-6, available today, is no better for this topic.
Maybe you can contact your Allplan reseller to inform him about this issue.

I restored my extended Tooltip, incidentally, (among other things) by using the cleanreg: Reset CAD registry settings. It's in the Allmenu "module" (the gear logo icon).

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