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Hotkey's problem (they don't work)


I'm new to Allplan and using the 2011 version.
When I for instance try to copy paste with Crtl+c Crtl+v I'm not getting any result.
The same goes for the delete key, my Esc key does respond.
Does anyone knows what might be the problem?
In other programmes like 'Word' my hot keys do work.

I would like to bring this post up again because the same thing is happening now with Allplan 2012.
Could someone tell me what I'm doing wrong or how to fix the problem.


Is there a chance that you have used the key combinations (Ctrl+C, Ctrl+V, Esc) as shortcuts for different commands in Allplan.

See the file "1" attached to find out if you have used Windows hotkeys for some commands in Allplan.

You cand also load the default shortcuts for Allplan. (see file "2")

If this is not the case please post.


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