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[Frage] How to get access via Python to Project Atrribute in order to automate

Hello everyone,

in the last time I've been thinking about kind of automatization regarding Layout and Project Attribute. My idea is to somehow connect, for an instance Excel or Python with Project Attribute. I've found database file "ProjectADMe.db3" with exists in every .prj directory where all of data seem to be saved. But only information with I could get from there was the name of Layout. I'm really interested in taking such a data as Indexes, Index datas, Sheet formats and so on. Do anybody now how the receive that data from that (or maybe another) file? The problem is that I have projects where hundreds of drawings have to be released in one shot and is pretty problematic to change manually every index (changing index in Allplan is really annoying).That's why I'd like to create kind off external app which can handle managing the data automatically (mainly indexes).

An eager automation user of Allplan

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please have a look at the PythonPart example ProjectAttributeService. Maybe this helps.

Best regards


please have a look at the PythonPart example ProjectAttributeService. Maybe this helps.

Best regards


Here is an example :

attributes = AllplanBaseElements.ProjectAttributeService.GetAttributesFromCurrentProject()

for attribute in attributes:
    if attribute[0] == 828:
        build_ele.Test.value = attribute[1]

Best Regards