Hello, anyone knows how to put in the same report two graphics (@ 205 @) with different points of view of the same object?
Although I insert different Graphicfile, with different configurations, the same image appears in all of them.
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How to insert diferents graphics of a object in the same report
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If you do this in allplan, it does not work correctly, so you need to use visual studio.
Architect | Allplan Trainer | BIM Manager
Website: http://www.bimakademi.com
e-mail: hatemozdemir[at]gmail.com
Ankara / Turkiye
If you do this in allplan, it does not work correctly, so you need to use visual studio.
Architect | Allplan Trainer | BIM Manager
Website: http://www.bimakademi.com
e-mail: hatemozdemir[at]gmail.com
Ankara / Turkiye
Yes, I already tried to compose the report in Visual Studio with the same negative result. The same image always appears independently of which you insert different GraphicFile with different Projection configurations. It seems that when creating the report Allplan only considers a single graphic representation of each object. I will continue investigating...
leider auf deutsch:
in einem abschnitt (select) kann in der query nur eine graphik von einem bauteil ermittelt werden.
d.h. eine perspektive und eine ansicht einer tür sind nicht ereugt werden.
bei einem report mit mehreren selects kann für jeden select ein bauteilbild erzeugt werden.
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Thanks Markus for the answer. I'm going to try it.