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[Frage] Pattern definition [Gelöst]

  • Pattern
  • Allplan
  • 2022
  • Views
  • And
  • Sections

Hello Everyone,

I’m creating a custom Pattern database for my Office.

These Patterns are defined with the “Pattern Editor” in “Tools/Defaults/Pattern”.
A new custom “Area Style” is created, which depends on the “Drawing Type”.

The newly defined Pattern is assigned to 3D Objects with the “Change Arhitectural Properties” tool as “Style Area”.

In Sections, these 3D Object are filled according to the “Drawing Type” with the custom Pattern.

My problem is that the distance between the pattern lines changes with the cross-section dimensions of the 3D Object.

If you create manually a Pattern surface, you have the option to choose in the “Resize Height, Width” section between “Constant in layout” and “Adjust to scale in layout” options.

I would like to represent the custom Pattern, regardless of the cross-section dimensions with a constant line distance, as with the option “Adjust to scale in layout”.

Is there a way to use the “Adjust to scale in layout” option for my Patterns?

I would like to mention that I haven’t found anything regarding my problem in the “Allplan_2021_eL_Patterns+PatternLines” documentation.

Thanks you for your help.

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Lösung anzeigen Lösung verbergen

Here is my understanding of what you want:
- When setting your Area style you go to Defaults dialog and there you click Line styles, area styles, drawing types.
- On bottom part of Define, Manage Line Styles, Area Styles, Drawing Types dialog box, you can manage your Area styles based of scale or drawing type.

Up to here it's all clear I guess...

- While there click on small square icon with three dots inside, anywhere in Pattern column.
- The Pattern dialog will open and in there you can set your Pattern to your needs.

With regards,

Here is my understanding of what you want:
- When setting your Area style you go to Defaults dialog and there you click Line styles, area styles, drawing types.
- On bottom part of Define, Manage Line Styles, Area Styles, Drawing Types dialog box, you can manage your Area styles based of scale or drawing type.

Up to here it's all clear I guess...

- While there click on small square icon with three dots inside, anywhere in Pattern column.
- The Pattern dialog will open and in there you can set your Pattern to your needs.

With regards,


Thank you for your answer, it has solved a big part of the problem.

I'm really grateful for your help.

With regards,