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[Frage] Selection preview

  • Allplan
  • 2023
  • 2024
  • Bug

Is it normal that the selection preview somehow linked to the time limit for the element info display?
If you turn off the element info display the selection preview will not work either.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

Update: this behavior also linked to the cursor type.
Crosshair works ok.
Mouse cursor not ok.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

Please add video (or at least picture) to make it better understandable what you mean - thanks

best regards

Allplan Product Owner

I hope it makes it clear.

Balázs Schneider
NAZCA Engineering Office

- first Allplan install on Interactive Unix in 1993
- 25 years in localization of Allplan
- 25 years in technical support for Allplan
- 30+ years using Allplan as structural engineer

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