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[Frage] Ungroup objects that are in the same Entity group


I have a problem: Something happened and all objects in the tb got in the same entity group with the group number=1. This includes 3D objects, reinforcement, 2d lines... Now everythig selects together when ctrl+shift is pressed, and it's imposible to edit any reinforcement placements normaly. Is there a action that can reverse this and reset these group numbers the way thay were? And what could cause this, because my colleague said she haven't used "Modify Format Properties" to assign same group number to all of these objects?
Thank you in advance.

Zitiert von: d_jovanovic
I have a problem: Something happened and all objects in the tb got in the same entity group with the group number=1. This includes 3D objects, reinforcement, 2d lines... Now everythig selects together when ctrl+shift is pressed, and it's imposible to edit any reinforcement placements normaly. Is there a action that can reverse this and reset these group numbers the way thay were? And what could cause this, because my colleague said she haven't used "Modify Format Properties" to assign same group number to all of these objects?
Thank you in advance.

Did you manage to find a solution to your problem? I have the same bug as you, but in the 2023 version.