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Unsymmetrical Grid Lines in Allplan

iam a newbie. I wanted to know how can i create unsymmetrical grid lines.
Not the ones in grid line option in Allplan.
And also how can i then show it in different sections and elevations.


Hi kusman98,

With Axis Grid Tool you can create axis lines spaced at any value.
If you have particular axis lines that are out of grid order than I guess the only way is to draw them one after another.

If you want to show those axis lines in sections and views than drawing file containing axis lines should be included in selection pool for particular section / view.

In Views, Sections, Details family you have Remove / Add Axes tool to remove od add axes to a view or section.

For further info please see: https://help.allplan.com/Allplan/2023-0/1033/Allplan/index.htm#88642.htm