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Working in the program I ran into a problem: in "Help file" in section "interpreter formula syntax Allplan"(working with Label style) I read about the possibility of a call VBScript function to work with attributes.

As example : <VB_Script_function> ::= VB_function_name ( <statement> [ ; <statement> ] )

How it works? Where it's stored? How to do it? Point by point if you can... )

Thank you!

Hi JinguBang,

I made a lot of list/legend/report and i never use directly a VB command.

If it's just a way of working.

The command are interpreted like in "Excel" but not all command can be use.

For use the command MID, you must write:


So the variable is an existing field or attribut, value1 is the caracter number where you want to start and the last value2 is the quantity of caracters you need.

The commande IF is working on the same way.

HINT: you can't read data out of Allplan for example or start a program. Or make a subcode.

Bye & Good Use!

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