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[Frage] Building Structure pop-up window doesn't appear in Layout Editor

  • Allplan
  • 2023-0-3
  • Layout
  • Editor
  • Building
  • Structure

When I go to the Layout Editor and I go to the Layout Element window and click on the Building structure button, the pop-up window where I can select the drawings I want to add to the layout, it doesn't appear, and a warning noise can be heard. In the screenshot below it can be seen that the button is active, but the window does not appear. I also tried to reinstall the program, but without success. Can anyone help me?

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looks as if you are using sometime a second screen?
this windows position is stored in Microsoft windows settings,so reinstallation does not help .

solution will be

press 3 Key at the same time:

SHIFT + WIN key + left (or right arrow key)

This key combination moves the current dialog window to the next screen

(from german Topic)

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