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[Frage] Smartpart and insert extern 3d objects

Hi, is it possible to insert a 3D object (for example created with other software and then imported into Allplan) into a smartpart to integrate it and therefore not have to create the 3D script of that object?


you can import 2d or 3d objects in the resource tab with the pipette.
With the commands PLACE2 or PLACE these can be inserted in the script.

Working with Resources

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Zitiert von: hrsommer
you can import 2d or 3d objects in the resource tab with the pipette.
With the commands PLACE2 or PLACE these can be inserted in the script.
Working with Resources



Thank you very much for info. Goodbye.

Zitiert von: hrsommer
you can import 2d or 3d objects in the resource tab with the pipette.
With the commands PLACE2 or PLACE these can be inserted in the script.
Working with Resources



...but if I inser the 3d object and I make handle for modification , the 3d object don't modify...or maybe I'm doing something wrong.


Use SCALE according to your handles values.