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[Frage] Dimension line -scale

Little help please.
I've been having this problem for a while. I've searched through almost everything accessible online, and found nothing.
So, if you scale something dimensions scales as well(e.g scaling cross section). Now, my question is, is it possible to scale something without scaling the dimensions (without scaling actual values). I know it's possible to associate dimension lines with sections/views scales, but many times I would have to just quickly draw something in using 2d lines, dimension it, and when I scale the values scales as well. Is it possible to scale with keeping original values.
Thanks in advance!

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that's a bit of AutoCad's habit. In Allplan, we rather draw in the normal scale and then use either the detail window or the appropriate scale in the layout window.

that's a bit of AutoCad's habit. In Allplan, we rather draw in the normal scale and then use either the detail window or the appropriate scale in the layout window.