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XRef creation in Pythonparts API

I would like to request the integration of Xrefs inside the PP framework. It would be useful if a Pythonpart or at least an Interactor could have the ability to create and move Xrefs.
Also, it would be useful if the height definition of Xrefs is extended by a simple delta Z (geometry as saved in source drawing moved by dZ, without adapting to reference planes) instead of Standard planes from Source or from Target.
This is useful to create the preconditions for Allplan to work with multiple linked coordinate systems and model transformations.

Zitiert von: PeterV
I would like to request the integration of Xrefs inside the PP framework. It would be useful if a Pythonpart or at least an Interactor could have the ability to create and move Xrefs.

Also, it would be useful if the height definition of Xrefs is extended by a simple delta Z (geometry as saved in source drawing moved by dZ, without adapting to reference planes) instead of Standard planes from Source or from Target.

This is useful to create the preconditions for Allplan to work with multiple linked coordinate systems and model transformations.

Hello Peter,

thank you for your feedback. We will analyze the effort to value ratio on that request and plan it accordingly on our roadmap. If other users also request it, we will increase the priority.

Best regards,