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[Frage] Allplan 2020 is crashed when I click StartPythonDebug [Gelöst]

Hello, I'm newbie with Allplan.

I setup Allplan and Python few days ago. Everything work ok till I click StartPythonDebug.

This window show up and if I click "OK" then my Allplan is crashed. I even not start VisualStudio yet.

My Allplan version is 2020, Python 3.7 (64-bit), newest pip, ptvsd,...

So can anyone know about this situation?

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Zitiert von: Horst_Hohmann
Hello tskimpkt,
first you have to start VisualStudio. Which version of VisualStudio do you have?
Best regards


My terrible mistake, I need to start Visual Studio and attach to process after click this "OK" button.

Allplan not responding because it's waiting for me, this NOT A BUG...

Thank Horst Hohmann

Hello tskimpkt,

first you have to start VisualStudio. Which version of VisualStudio do you have?

Best regards

Zitiert von: Horst_Hohmann
Hello tskimpkt,
first you have to start VisualStudio. Which version of VisualStudio do you have?
Best regards


My terrible mistake, I need to start Visual Studio and attach to process after click this "OK" button.

Allplan not responding because it's waiting for me, this NOT A BUG...

Thank Horst Hohmann