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[Frage] Allplan PositionNumbers [Gelöst]

In particular cases Allplan link different bar definitions in one position number. Can we avoid it and force numeration as in script despite if the same positions could be different position numbers?

I'm a little bit aware that I have to guess position number to create correct labeling or we is other solution for labeling to avoid various position numbers?
best regards,

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Hello Krzysztof,

in the PythonPart each bar placement must have it's own position number. Due to this you also get the correct labeling.

After the PythonPart is created, the position numbers are rearranged to get the same position for the same bar.

Best regards

Hello Krzysztof,

in the PythonPart each bar placement must have it's own position number. Due to this you also get the correct labeling.

After the PythonPart is created, the position numbers are rearranged to get the same position for the same bar.

Best regards