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Hello guys!

As the title, I'm trying to create a hole in the box.

I use Cuboid3D to create my box but I don't know how to make a hole. I read about ExtrudedAreaSolid3D in Examples folder but honestly I don't really get it.

This image is my target.

Can anyone show me the way or your example or document in somewhere?


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I still need a hand so if anyone have any idea please reply below.

Thanks for your time!


Create a cylinder and subtract it from the Box.


Stecke im Allplan seit 1995
Hotline für Kunden in Slowenien seit 1997

Zitiert von: Jurij_Sket
Create a cylinder and subtract it from the Box.

I use Polyhedron3D.CreateCuboid to create a cuboid and Cylinder3D to create a cylinder as you said, afer that, I use CreatePolyhedron(myCylinder, int) to create a Polyhedron3D because I want to use MakeSubtraction(Polyhedron3D,Polyhedron3D) function. But in this case, subtraction function retrun error MakeSubtraction(tuple, Polyhedron3D).

I really don't know how to say clearly, my bad English, so what subtraction function do you use in this case?

Sorry, I didn't notice "PhytonParts" - this is not my field, so unfortunatelly I can't help you.


Stecke im Allplan seit 1995
Hotline für Kunden in Slowenien seit 1997


Hope that's you already solved this problem.

If not, you can try:
- Create Box by BRep3D.CreateCuboid()
- Create Hole by BRep3D.CreateCuboid()
- make subtract using: err, brep_res = AllplanGeo.MakeSubtraction(Box, Hole)
The result is the Brep3D: brep_res

Zitiert von: Sanh_Mai
Hope that's you already solved this problem.
If not, you can try:

- Create Box by BRep3D.CreateCuboid()

- Create Hole by BRep3D.CreateCuboid()

- make subtract using: err, brep_res = AllplanGeo.MakeSubtraction(Box, Hole)

The result is the Brep3D: brep_res

Yes you're right, you should convert cuboid to BRep3D first, before you can do boolean operation. (in allplan there are 2 types of geometric data : 1. Polyhedron3D, 2. BRep3D)