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[Frage] CreateLoftedBRep3D somethimes doesn't work [Gelöst]

I am using Allplan version 2024.1.5, CreateLoftedBRep3D() sometimes doesn't work

outerProfiles_object = [object_1, object_2, object_3]

CreateLoftedBRep3D(outerProfiles_object, [], True, True, True, True)

But When I tried Loft funtion in Allplan it works.

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Typ: application/ndw
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I have absolutely no idea, why it didn't work in your case. But it works in my case. Please have a script attached. I tested it in Allplan 2024.

I took your .ndw, read the points and put them into a JSON file. Please have a look at the script and investigate.


Anhänge (1)

Typ: application/zip
213-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 3,62 KiB


I have absolutely no idea, why it didn't work in your case. But it works in my case. Please have a script attached. I tested it in Allplan 2024.

I took your .ndw, read the points and put them into a JSON file. Please have a look at the script and investigate.


Anhänge (1)

Typ: application/zip
213-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 3,62 KiB

Zitiert von: bmarciniec
I have absolutely no idea, why it didn't work in your case. But it works in my case. Please have a script attached. I tested it in Allplan 2024.
I took your .ndw, read the points and put them into a JSON file. Please have a look at the script and investigate.


Hi Bart,

I don't know the reason why, but sometime it didn't work in my case even reset the pc . Hmm. But after a day it work again. @@!