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[Frage] Creating sections, views and dimensions

  • Allplan
  • PythonParts
  • View
  • Sections
  • Dimensions

Hi, I have completed the 3D object model code. Now I want to create its section views with dimensions. I could not find pure examples for this. How can I do it?

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the creation of associative views and sections together with placing dimension lines is shown inn the SectionAndViews example, located in

  • etc/PythonPartsExampleScripts/ReinforcementExamples/SectionAndViews.py
  • etc/Examples/PythonParts/ReinforcementExamples/SectionAndViews.pyp

Note, that currently not all options and settings of Views and Sections are accessible through the API. The same refers to dimension lines. Have a look on the example, to see what is possible.



the creation of associative views and sections together with placing dimension lines is shown inn the SectionAndViews example, located in

  • etc/PythonPartsExampleScripts/ReinforcementExamples/SectionAndViews.py
  • etc/Examples/PythonParts/ReinforcementExamples/SectionAndViews.pyp

Note, that currently not all options and settings of Views and Sections are accessible through the API. The same refers to dimension lines. Have a look on the example, to see what is possible.


Hi Bart, thanks for the reply. I have been working on that example for 2 days and the main problem occurs with the creation methods. I have created my object with staticmethod and build_ele methods. Since the sections and view example also creates a model with self. method, I am having a hard time to rebuild the code for my object. What do you suggest?