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[Frage] Error in debugging

Hi everyone,
I am trying to write some pythonparts script and I face this error.
I am using Allplan 2020 and visual studio 2017 (ptvsd 3.2.1), python 3.6.5
I read similar errors in our forum but it still doesn't work.
Do you have solutions? Thank you very much

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you need to use Python 3.7.4 and PTVSD 4.3.2 (see https://pythonparts.allplan.com/)

Best regards

When it comes to PythonParts debugging is probably the most annoying topic for me.

I know you work with PythonParts as I have seen your name somewhere in the code long ago ;) Thank you and your team for great job!
Do you also know working configuration of VS, ptvsd and python for debugging PythonParts on Allplan 2018?

Best regards

Zitiert von: Horst_Hohmann
you need to use Python 3.7.4 and PTVSD 4.3.2 (see https://pythonparts.allplan.com/)
Best regards

Thank you very much.
It works for me.