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[Frage] Get TextElement Class

  • Allplan 2023

Hello everyone,

Can you guide how to get a TextElement class from BaseElementAdapter Class? I can't find the method to do that.

Thank you.

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Hi Than,

What you describe will be possible in Allplan 2025. You can already test it out if you have access to Allplan Work-in-Progress. Getting the TextElement is done using the same function, that you use to get any python object from the BaseElementAdapeter: GetElements() (or in 2025 also GetElement()). You can have a look on the example (available in 2025-WIP-1 and newer):


Best regards!

Hi Than,

What you describe will be possible in Allplan 2025. You can already test it out if you have access to Allplan Work-in-Progress. Getting the TextElement is done using the same function, that you use to get any python object from the BaseElementAdapeter: GetElements() (or in 2025 also GetElement()). You can have a look on the example (available in 2025-WIP-1 and newer):


Best regards!

Hi Bmarciniec,

Thanks for your respond.