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[Frage] How to covert Arc 3D with 3D Polyline [Gelöst]

I want to create a 3D polyline with an Arc 3D Shape.

How can I create Arc 3D and use which function value to covert it with 3D Polyline?

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you can use

def Polygonize(arc: Arc3D, arcSegmentation: int, useArcSegmentation: int, armLength: float, riseValue: float) -> typing.Tuple(bool,
Polygonize a Arc3D geometry object

Parameter: arc Arc3D which will be polygonized
arcSegmentation Count of segments
useArcSegmentation if use segment polygonization, set to 0
armLength max length of calculated segment, for rise value polygonization only
riseValue rise value

Return: tuple(bool true = success,
result polyline)

Best regards


you can use

def Polygonize(arc: Arc3D, arcSegmentation: int, useArcSegmentation: int, armLength: float, riseValue: float) -> typing.Tuple(bool,
Polygonize a Arc3D geometry object

Parameter: arc Arc3D which will be polygonized
arcSegmentation Count of segments
useArcSegmentation if use segment polygonization, set to 0
armLength max length of calculated segment, for rise value polygonization only
riseValue rise value

Return: tuple(bool true = success,
result polyline)

Best regards