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[Frage] Internal coordinates through the PythonParts script

Hi to all.

I have tried to set the initial internal coordinates through the PythonParts script, but I have not been able to set it without clicking on the program interface. Would be any way to set something like the attached images #1 & #2 below?

What I would like is to be able to control the insertion point of the element.
To activate the command we double click on the PythonPart. Then I have to assign the initial coordinates of the element. I want that, by default, the initial coordinate of the element is the point (0,0,0) since the elements that I create through code have absolute coordinates and not relative ones.
I put the example of a 2d line created with PythonPart (attached image #3).

Thank you in advance.

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you can use an iteractor PythonPart, where you have full control over the workflow.

Please have a look at the interactor examples.

Best regards