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[Frage] Is there any way to import Allplan Extension Package(*.allep) files into Allplan 2023? [Gelöst]

  • Allplan 2023 allep

Hi, everyone.
I have made some simple pythonparts and try to add them as tool buttons with images to Plug-ins tab on the Allplan 2023.
So I've created .allep file and try to import it into Allplan 2023.
Allplan 2024 provides the way but I have noit on 2023.
Can't Allep work on Allplan 2023 and lowers?
Pls help me.

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Allep standard for packaging PythonParts is a feature introduced in Allplan 2025 and it is not planned to introduce it backwards in 2023 or 2024.

Also bear in mind, that this is a very freshly introduced feature and might not have all the functionalities you need. At the same time, because it is a fresh feature, we would love to hear your feedback. If you have any, don't hesitate to sent it to us either via pythonparts (please no spam) @ (please no spam) allplan.com or simply via a PM to me.



Allep standard for packaging PythonParts is a feature introduced in Allplan 2025 and it is not planned to introduce it backwards in 2023 or 2024.

Also bear in mind, that this is a very freshly introduced feature and might not have all the functionalities you need. At the same time, because it is a fresh feature, we would love to hear your feedback. If you have any, don't hesitate to sent it to us either via pythonparts (please no spam) @ (please no spam) allplan.com or simply via a PM to me.
