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[Frage] Polygonal Placement using Python

  • PythonParts
  • Polygonal
  • Placement

Dear Allplan-Python Community,

I'm struggling with one issue that concerns creating Polygonal Placement using Python.
After many attempts I think either there is a small bug or I'm missing sth.

Looking at PolygonalPlacement.py from the examples we have stepped stirrups there, but it's quite complicated to show the problem, so look at this modified part with simple straight bars:

-> shape_bottom = GeneralShapeBuilder.create_longitudinal_shape_with_hooks(1000, model_angles,
-----> shape_props,
-----> start_hook=-1,
-----> end_hook=-1)

-> shape_top = GeneralShapeBuilder.create_longitudinal_shape_with_hooks(1000, model_angles,
-----> shape_props,
-----> concrete_cover_props,
-----> start_hook=-1,
-----> end_hook=-1)
-> shape_top.Move(AllplanGeo.Vector3D(0, 0, 500))

If we create two identical straight bar shapes with lengths of 1000 and place them one above other and then use:

-> PolygonalPlacement = AllplanReinf.BarPlacement(1, 20, shape_bottom, shape_top)

In fact we'will not get 20 identical bars but 20 stepped bars, where the first bar is: L=1000 and the last: L=1000-(BarDiameter)
This is an example with two identical bars, which is quite impractical, but in fact in any other attempt one of the bars is always shortened with dx=BarDiameter. Also in the PolygonalPlacement.py example but there are stepped closed stirrups so it is quite hard to notice this difference.

Did you met similar problem creating PolygonalPlacement?

Kind regards


I attached zipped project with the py and pyp files in the library as an example ;)

Best regards and Happy New Year

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