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Python Part Unit testing

hi does anyone have an example on how to write unit tests , the documentation website provides this class : UnitTestInteractor but i couldn't understand exactly how to use it , can someone provide me with an example ? thanks in advance !

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The unit test environment in PythonParts framework is at its early stage now - we are working on it. That is why you can see some classes or functions in the framework, but they are not ready yet to be used with a regular version of Allplan. They are used by us, with a development version, but you as a regular user don't have access to it.

But don't worry, it is our goal to give our 3rd party developers a functional unit test environment. And as soon as we achieve it, we will provide a documentation for it.



The unit test environment in PythonParts framework is at its early stage now - we are working on it. That is why you can see some classes or functions in the framework, but they are not ready yet to be used with a regular version of Allplan. They are used by us, with a development version, but you as a regular user don't have access to it.

But don't worry, it is our goal to give our 3rd party developers a functional unit test environment. And as soon as we achieve it, we will provide a documentation for it.
