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PythonParts Interface



wie kann man solche interface erstellen?

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
107-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 247,20 KiB


It's made with an additional library to create graphical interface.

Es wurde mit einer zusätzlichen Bibliothek erstellt, um eine grafische Oberfläche zu erstellen.

Zitiert von: Bertrand_C
It's made with an additional library to create graphical interface.

Es wurde mit einer zusätzlichen Bibliothek erstellt, um eine grafische Oberfläche zu erstellen.

Do you know name of this library?


No, I don't know exactly. There are plenty of them...
You have to understand that you have to do a lot more programming than can be done with the standard Allplan palette.

Zitiert von: Bertrand_C
No, I don't know exactly. There are plenty of them...

You have to understand that you have to do a lot more programming than can be done with the standard Allplan palette.

I know that. But I have too many parameters and everything becomes unclear.
I use the tkinter library - it's already built in. But the problem is that when I open the library and select PythonPart with one click, Allplan loads the whole script and creates a window that should only be obtained when I create a PythonPart with a double click.
Since Allplan loads the PythonPart script multiple times, it sometimes creates multiple (2 to 12) windows- and it's more like random- I can't find the logic.
I tried to find a tutorial describing which procedure to put the GUI window creation in, but without success.
I'm not much of an expert in Python, but I've already gotten very good at modeling reinforcement. I want to take the leap further, but I keep stumbling - as I have to do everything by trial and error.

Translated with http://www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


The problem is therefore more in the code than in the library used.
Check to either close the window before recreating it, or refresh the displayed window rather than create a new one. Programming is not so easy in some cases.