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[Frage] [PythonParts] Script Object BaseElementAdapter and GetGeometry [Gelöst]

  • PythonParts
  • ScriptObject
  • BaseElementAdapter
  • GetGeometry


I'm working on a ScriptObject PythonPart.

In my case, I want to get the geometry of a wall so first I made :

self.script_object_interactor = SingleElementSelectInteractor(self.selection_result,
"Sélectionner un mur"

geo = self.selection_result.sel_element.GetGeometry()

doesn't work

I can get UUID, attributes, etc of my sel_element (cf capture) so how can I get the GetPureArchitectureElementGeometry ?


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Zitiert von: cmaignan35
I can get UUID, attributes, etc of my sel_element (cf capture) so how can I get the GetPureArchitectureElementGeometry?

Hi Christophe,

it may sound strange, but a wall does not have a geometry. Wall layer (aka tier) does. So select all the tiers using ChildsElementsService. Or Your selection interactor should select tiers (ElementAdapter.WallTier_TypeUUID) and your script gets the wall using parent elements service. I would tend to the second option, because AFAIK selecting the wall (as a whole) can only be done in ground view.


Zitiert von: cmaignan35
I can get UUID, attributes, etc of my sel_element (cf capture) so how can I get the GetPureArchitectureElementGeometry?

Hi Christophe,

it may sound strange, but a wall does not have a geometry. Wall layer (aka tier) does. So select all the tiers using ChildsElementsService. Or Your selection interactor should select tiers (ElementAdapter.WallTier_TypeUUID) and your script gets the wall using parent elements service. I would tend to the second option, because AFAIK selecting the wall (as a whole) can only be done in ground view.



Thanks a lot

ElementAdapter.WallTier_TypeUUID works great
