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[Frage] Smartparts vs Pytonparts? Which one to use?

What is the difference between them?

Smartparts are simple and can be done in Allplan environment!
Python-parts are more complex and what is the real advantage using them?

On the other side, documentation of Pytonparts is very poor?


I cannot compile Python Parts Scripts delivered with Allplan wioth Visula Studio for testing purposes as I got 2 errors when opening project:

1) There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the project being built "MSIL" and the processor architecture of the reference "PrgLib\NemAll_Python_Palette.pyd", "AMD64"
2) References cannot be recognized although all paths were correctly updated - Unable to resolve 'NemAll_Python_Geometry'. IntelliSense may be missing for this module.


Project link:


3D Artist at MAP Systems a professional 3D designing company. Skill set includes 3d modeling, rendering, 3d walkthrough animation using latest software like Maya, 3DS Max, Vray, After Effects and more.

Hi Primoz, I would guess that from your later post I just replied to that you managed to get PythonParts working now? If not please leme know and I will help!