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[Frage] Rereading the Script by Smart Part

  • Variable
  • Parameter
  • Scripting

I have a question there is any way to force Smart Part to rereading and executing "Master Script" section again when something was changed in section "3D script" (ofcourse this section is already finished). I've calculated some value in 3D script (volume of the 3D element) and I have to use its in Master script or although in 2D but I can't send it to there (with right value).
I've been trying to use the CALL PARAMETER function. I've sent the value of parameter from 3D Script to Parameter but to use it in the section Master script I had to rerun the whole script (It seems too artificial and I'd like to simplyfy this as much as it possible).

Thank you in advance for any help.


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Yes, it is.
But, please don't answer to an old message with a new question.
You already created a message here and if you need an answer, try to give more details in your request.
Don't forget that is a users forum. There is no obligation to answer, especially if your question is unclear.
Have you tried what you ask? What did you do? What did you get? What's wrong? From there, we'll see if we can answer or not.

11 - 11 (11)