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[Frage] Resources in Smart Part - import issue

Hi everyone,

I have problem with importing png or jpeg format to Smart Part. The monit looks like in attachment. So far everything's went good but after trying to add next image I saw monit I've showed.
I've been thinking that maybe there is kind of limitations for Smart Part resources (for an instance 2 Mb and no more).
Could anyone confirm there is jsuch a limitations like I've described? If yes what would You do to add more image than you can add?
Or maybe there is other way (other than placing an image) to show some scheme in user interface (Dialog Script), which won't be time consuming.

Best regards

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
71-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 33,93 KiB


A SmartPart is ONE file. I think it can't be bigger than 2 Gb.
And such size will eventually cause slowness problems.
If the images are to be displayed in the palette, they must be reduced. In your screenshot, the width of your images are from 660 to 840 pixels. I guess your palette is smaller than this. So, reduce the size of the pictures to reduce the SmartPart global size.
If you cannot, you can use images without uploaded them as resources. You need to put them in "...\Std\Library\Bitmaps\your_own_folder".
If the images are to be used in scripts (e.g. 2D script), you should make sub-SmartParts and call them with the CALL function or also load them from the folder in STD (same as above).

Thanks for advising, the hint about placing the images using their paths instead of placing them in the SP resources helped a lot. Now the SP is stable even if I have over 300 different images.

The slowdown of the script is slightly noticeable with the increase of the size, that's true.

When going about using the high resolution of my images, I'm not using I_PALLETE but I_PAGE instead, because I need to obtain something as You can see in the attachment (example_1). It is much more convenient to arrange all of that buttons intuitively then.

I know that I'm writing really late after your answer but I wanted to be sure that this issue not gonna happen again. Since I've used your method everything is fine (and it's been over 4 months )

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
67-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 356,27 KiB

Thank you for the feedback.