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[Frage] AllPlan 2023 error message at start-up after adding a python command [Gelöst]

  • Error
  • Message
  • PythonParts
  • PythonParts24x24

Greetings fellowship of the AllPlan,

I wasn't sure in which thread/forum to add this topic, but since it is connected to VS and the community here is active, I thought this would be the better choice.

We recently updated to AllPlan 2023 and all the python commands were lost (as a link to the folder). Since I added one command to the actionbar, AllPlan started showing error message at start-up (Allplan 2023 error.jpeg)

The message states that it can't find 2 files in the software directory, but the files are indeed located at the destination folder.
Opened the NDP file via notepad and it seems to contain information regarding the location of the python command which I added at the start.

One more thing worth mentioning is that I placed my scripts in:
Rather than in:
Which I guess Python commands should be saved at?

I don't understand why there is such error message as the files are located exactly where its looking them at. Any idea how to fix this?

Edit: The mentioned files (PythonPart24x24.png / PythonPart16x16.png / PythonPart.ndp) are from AllPlan and not mine

Kind regards,

Anhänge (3)

Typ: image/jpeg
153-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 246,70 KiB
Typ: image/png
94-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 1,23 KiB
Typ: application/zip
708-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 748,00 B

Lösung anzeigen Lösung verbergen

Hello Dobromir Georgiev,

in Allplan 2023 we have improved the scaling of the user interface for high resolution monitors. For this we had to adjust the size of the icons, including those for Python parts added to the action bar. The error message appears due to wrong icon sizes. Instead of 16x16 and 24x24 in previous versions, the sizes must now be 24x24 and 128 x128. We have already identified and changed this error for new PythonParts, but unfortunately PythonParts added in older versions will need to be re-added to the action bar with the correct icon sizes. Please excuse the inconvenience.

Best reagards Anja Neumann

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Anja Neumann
Productmanager UX
Product Owner

Hello Dobromir Georgiev,

in Allplan 2023 we have improved the scaling of the user interface for high resolution monitors. For this we had to adjust the size of the icons, including those for Python parts added to the action bar. The error message appears due to wrong icon sizes. Instead of 16x16 and 24x24 in previous versions, the sizes must now be 24x24 and 128 x128. We have already identified and changed this error for new PythonParts, but unfortunately PythonParts added in older versions will need to be re-added to the action bar with the correct icon sizes. Please excuse the inconvenience.

Best reagards Anja Neumann

Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Best regards

Anja Neumann
Productmanager UX
Product Owner

Thank you for your reply Anja,

I couldn't swap the 16x16.png file with something else since it was constantly in use by the software, so I changed the 24x24 with a png that is 128x128.png and it worked.

It fixed the problem, but made me even more confused.

Those "original" png files 16x16 / 24x24 came from from AllPlan itself when we updated to 2023-0-3. And since 2023-0-3 works only with 24x24 and 128x128, why does it come with different resolution files for, which I only assume, is the "run python part" command?

i a m not really infolved in this topic, but i think the reason is the location of that file:

/STD/ => the file is stored in your Office Standard directory and existing files in this directory are always handled different that files in the Allplan default Folder /etc/

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