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[Frage] convert 3D Face into 3D polyline [Gelöst]

hi, there is a way to convert a 3D Face into 3D polyline?

I've tried to get the points from the geometry but I'm not able to extract the list[3d points]correctly.

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You can try the node GetIsoCurveGridPoints and use the Node Polyline3D to generate the polylines.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
89-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 166,52 KiB

You can try the node GetIsoCurveGridPoints and use the Node Polyline3D to generate the polylines.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/png
89-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 166,52 KiB

Tnx! this is working!