Hi there!
Is there a way to merge a list of multiple objects (including lines, squares and solids), into only one object or element?
I need to copy all of those objects together to certain list of points, so I need the objects to be patched into one thing!
I hope I could explain myself.
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create one object from several items.
This is not possible. If you want the points from the named objects, you have to “extract” them from each object. e.g. from a line start and end point, from a surface (square) the corner points, from a polyhedron (solid) the corner points. If you want to do this with visual scripting, you need a “switch” for the object types mentioned above.
I don't know what you intend to do with the aggregated point list, but it seems that Visual Scripting is not the right tool for this. I would try the Python API and “wrap” the required code in a PythonPart.