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create stupid standard Allplan Drawing objects instead of a PythonPart

We use some VS to create new standard Allplan Drawing objects (solids, polylines, etc), but a PythonPart is created by VS. We do not need the PP, we need standard Allplan objects for further processing in Allplan by the user. Thus every time the VS was used the resulting PP needs to be dissolved back into standard Allplan objects manually. This is a cumbersome workflow.

How is it possible to create standard Allplan objects instead a PP out of VS? I did not found any node to do this in Allplan 2024.1

cheers bernd

BIM-Modelle Tragwerksplaner --> http://www.bimstatik.ch/
My Allplan PythonParts --> https://github.com/BIMStatik/AllplanPythonParts
LinkedIN --> https://ch.linkedin.com/in/bernd-hahnebach-269b855a


use the node CreateModelObject.


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I found this node before but it did not work on a list of Line3D ... But your screen helped ... I need to create a "geometry element" before. For a PP with no attributes and no format informations this not needed.

thanks for the help ...

BIM-Modelle Tragwerksplaner --> http://www.bimstatik.ch/
My Allplan PythonParts --> https://github.com/BIMStatik/AllplanPythonParts
LinkedIN --> https://ch.linkedin.com/in/bernd-hahnebach-269b855a