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[Frage] List [Gelöst]


Does anyone know how I can extract the individual elements from the list you can see in the picture? For some reason, I can't extract the individual elements from the "TupleInput" function, but it handles the entire list at once, even if I give an index.

Thank you for your answers!

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Zitiert von: Rutti
Does anyone know how I can extract the individual elements from the list you can see in the picture? For some reason, I can't extract the individual elements from the "TupleInput" function, but it handles the entire list at once, even if I give an index.
Thank you for your answers!

Please try this " Elements of a row (2-dim.list) option at List row and the output after row Element of node ListItem.

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Zitiert von: Rutti
Does anyone know how I can extract the individual elements from the list you can see in the picture? For some reason, I can't extract the individual elements from the "TupleInput" function, but it handles the entire list at once, even if I give an index.
Thank you for your answers!

Please try this " Elements of a row (2-dim.list) option at List row and the output after row Element of node ListItem.

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