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[Frage] ListWeave explanation

  • 2022-1-4
  • Weave
  • List

Can someone explain how to use Node ListWeave?

I guess it should merge lists based on a spesific order. It has a input for Pattern and it seems that this shoud be a list of integers. But what does each integer represent? Is it the index/number of the list inside the List-Input?
1. list 2
2. list 5
3. list 1

Gruß Felix
Allplan 2024-0-1

Input "ListsToWeave": [1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]
Input "Pattern": [0,1,2]

Output: [1,5,9]

The Pattern represents the index of the List for this Item.

It can reorganize the items from multiple lists based on the list index pattern (not the item index in a list), and put them into one list. check attached screenshot for an example.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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Ok, the result is amazing, and so not expected!

How to achieve the result I wrongly assumed?

Namely: For each item in "Pattern" exactly one item is inserted into result from the lists

The Weave (weben in German) fits quite well here, as people do weave several different strings into one piece based on some pattern. But generally, we are also open for better & more intuitive name.

Regarding the result you expected, it can be accomplished with the Node ListItem. Please check the screenshot below. Make sure to choose the correct list option. I know that one is tricky and the sentences are somehow confusing. But we will also improve that in the future...

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH

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