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Make straight bar from BarbyPolyline Node.

Hi everyone,

I create a bar from Barbypolyline node (this bar has many edges that not on a line), but I want to show it as straight bar like in SweepbarAlong Path tool.
Is it posible to do it at the moment?

*** In the future, do we have node like SweepBarAlong path? I wish the Develop Team will make it !

*** I am finding a example of Barsbyedges IO, can someone send me a example for this node?

Thank you very much !

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Hilfreichste Antwort anzeigen Hilfreichste Antwort verbergen


- the node SweepBarAlongPath is on our roadmap, but we don't have a release date yet.
- currently we have no example for BarsByEdgesIO

Best regards


- the node SweepBarAlongPath is on our roadmap, but we don't have a release date yet.
- currently we have no example for BarsByEdgesIO

Best regards

Hello Horst, is it possible to have at least an example of the table that we need for the BarsByEdgesIO?
Best regards,