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Reinforcement creating and placing through visual script

Hello Allplan Developer / user,

Is there video available where reinforcement shpae created and placed throught visual scipt for 3D object or element on you tube, as Allplan 2021 has many node for such job?

If yes, please share it. If not, I request / wish Developing team to prepare and upload on Allplan English - you tube channel, which cover for various structure including change of grade of reinfocement etc.

My anohter question is what is differnce between element and object in Allplan - particularly visual script? How to change it from element to object if required?

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Please check built-in examples for reinforcement first. hope it could help you a little bit...

I'm not sure what you meant exactly about the element or object. Perhaps the terms used in the description in VS aren't unified yet.

Product Owner API, Allplan GmbH