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[Frage] Visual Scripting: Adding Handles to PythonParts [Gelöst]

  • Visual scripting
  • Handle

Hello everyone,

I want to add some handles to a PythonPart that I created as a Sweep out of a 3DPath. How can I do that best and where do I define the handles?



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Hi Marco,
Activate handles in the node options (1). You will see them when the Python Part is activated in Allplan. Consider also whether or not you wish to see the actual element after creation (2). I would suggest setting up a simple example: two input points connecting to a line or a box to test the interaction you require.

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Hi Marco,
Activate handles in the node options (1). You will see them when the Python Part is activated in Allplan. Consider also whether or not you wish to see the actual element after creation (2). I would suggest setting up a simple example: two input points connecting to a line or a box to test the interaction you require.

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Hi Ralph,

thank you, now it`s working.

