Exchange, compressed export:;, [Vyřešeno]

  • Exchange

Hi All,

Do you know why does exchange compress my Autocad and Microstation files? it seems a bit odd, and I can't find any settings for it, however I do remember, that it wasn't a case not long time ago, perhaps I have changed a setting.

Many thanks in advance.

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as far as i kow, files have been zipped since ever:
compressed DXF File has in default just 10% of filesize.

and current online help says:

Note: When you export data in DGN, DWG or DXF format, the layouts are compressed automatically to a ZIP file, as they can contain additional files such as bitmaps, XRefs and so on.

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as far as i kow, files have been zipped since ever:
compressed DXF File has in default just 10% of filesize.

and current online help says:

Note: When you export data in DGN, DWG or DXF format, the layouts are compressed automatically to a ZIP file, as they can contain additional files such as bitmaps, XRefs and so on.

Allplan Webentwicklung

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Thanks a lot, it actually makes sense and it seems like I didn't remember it correctly.