[Otázka] How turn off fallowing options?

i want to ask how can i turn off Option hints. I mean (for example) when i draw a reinforcement he automatically want me to spread it but when i dont want to i have to press ESC. Then i have to press it again and again and when u have low PC performance its kinda boring and makes me angry. Js it any way to change this?

Dear Martynka,

Depending on your tool, they are allways continuing even when you finish to do something it never stop the fonction.

In case of reinforcement it's a bit more complexe, cause you must make few step to validate the reinforcement.

For exemple, make the form, define the label, make the placement, define the dimension line.

So if you are doing the reinforcement and don't want to go further but continu to make other form, than you have few possibility.

First start the tool and make your first form (when it ask you to escap), don't do but:

- you can click right and ask again the tool Bar shape
- or click directly to the tool "Bar shape"
- or click to another tool

This will quit other fonction.

Hope this help.

bye & Good Use!

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