We need your feedback!

Dear Allplan users,
Allplan is working constantly on extending the functionality of the Python API. We see a great potential in enabling our customers to do their own developments that would meet their specific needs. Then as we know, those can differ essentially throughout the whole AEC industry. The possibilities Python offers are almost unlimited, therefore we want to focus our efforts on what is most important. To meet that goal, we are asking you to share your feedback.
As you are/were developing your functionalities using Python API (regardless if using Visual Scripting or directly scripting a .py file), what were the biggest difficulties you were confronted with? Were you missing documentation or examples, or did you find it incomplete?
Which functionalities of Allplan are you missing in Python-API/Visual Editor most?
Please feel free to write your feedback in this topic or write me a private message. We appreciate all your feedback and will consider it. Yet, of course, we cannot guarantee, that all requests are going to be implemented quickly. For the moment the goal is to get an overview, and therefore your feedback is so important.

Best Regards
Your Allplan Team

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In Allmenu under 'Service' - 'Windows Explorer' you can call all the paths directly, including 'general data (ETC)'.

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