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[Frage] How do I change fill color in multiple locations? [Gelöst]


I have some complex floor plans (drawn as 2D) and I need to change the fill color in many of the walls. Is there a way to do this other than one at a time?
I tried using the "Modify Format Properties" tool (and choosing the color I want) together with the "Filter by Element Type" tool, but nothing happened.

Any suggestions appreciated!

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The tool that you need is called "Convert Surface Element" instead of the "Modify Format Properties" tool.


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The tool that you need is called "Convert Surface Element" instead of the "Modify Format Properties" tool.


Anhänge (1)

Typ: image/jpeg
559-mal heruntergeladen
Größe: 75,41 KiB

Great! Thank you very much.

thanks for this informatin.

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