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[Frage] Moving point of origin [Gelöst]


Is there any way of moving the point of origin? (move all objects without messing up all the layouts)
I need to place relative coordinates on some points, in the past I dd this with a label wich showed the absolute coordinates and drawn the building in the right place.
Now I am working with an imported model but I've already made a lot of sections and layouts, if I move everything in the model my layouts aren't correct anymore and all sections update to show all elements I've deleted from the section.
Alternatively, is there a way to make a label showing coordinates relative to a determined point?



Lösung anzeigen Lösung verbergen


You can establish a coordinate compensation in the project configuration, for example, or choose a displacement in the import parameters for IFC-Files.

The label for the coordinates could be based on formulas, adding the displacement. (as explained in your other topic)


GEA Arquitectos S.L.P.
Calle Gerardo Diego 6A | 41013 Sevilla | Spain


You can establish a coordinate compensation in the project configuration, for example, or choose a displacement in the import parameters for IFC-Files.

The label for the coordinates could be based on formulas, adding the displacement. (as explained in your other topic)


GEA Arquitectos S.L.P.
Calle Gerardo Diego 6A | 41013 Sevilla | Spain