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[Frage] Roof levels

Hi, does anyone know if and how it is feasible to make a roof level with negative slopes?

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Negative slope is the same thing as positive slope from the opposite edge.
Do something like in the attached image.

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Negative slope is the same thing as positive slope from the opposite edge.
Do something like in the attached image.

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Zitiert von: Bertrand_C
Negative slope is the same thing as positive slope from the opposite edge.

Do something like in the attached image.

Thank you Bertrand for information, however the trick to making the slope negative is to create the corner with the indents.

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Then use the same method and make a reference plane larger than the shape to be drawn, as in the attached image.

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Zitiert von: Bertrand_C
Then use the same method and make a reference plane larger than the shape to be drawn, as in the attached image.

OK, thank you for clarification.