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Smart Symbols and Railings, with Face styles or fill colors


Are there any way to create "Smart symbols", using the Smart-Symbol-modeler (Makro modellieren), and create railings (geländer), with face styles or fill color?

Thanks a lot!

Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/


with the RailModeler (Geländer) it is not possible to fill the 2D-Outline of an element!
Currently! ...maybe this can be implemented in next versions.


Oups! Mmmmm.. ok Jörg.

And the smart symbols created with the Smart Symbol Modeler (Makro modellieren)? is possible to use face styles or fill colors with them?


Xavier Coll • Architect, Project Manager I+D, BIM Manager, BIM Auditor
EiPM • http://www.eipm.es/en/