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[Frage] Special gutter

Hi, I create a circular section gutter with the command extrude along path. How to make sure that only 2 lines appear in the print layout and not all of them?

Make a "Mengenkörper" of them, and create a top view.

Zitiert von: Nemo
Make a "Mengenkörper" of them, and create a top view.

Thank you Nemo for clarification. It's possible without top view but with classic allplan procedure (with table)?

Table? I have no idea, what you mean!

Another approach is, to make a Makroplacement form this,
and add a 2D-Foil for Ground-View-Representation.

Zitiert von: Nemo
Table? I have no idea, what you mean!
Another approach is, to make a Makroplacement form this,
and add a 2D-Foil for Ground-View-Representation.

Table...wrong term...I meant "panel" typical elements of allplan.
Thank you for indication of makroplacement!

..or make this as Railing with RailModeler of Allplan!

Hi, maybe the roof objects within the library would be useful or a profile wall...

Software: Allplan, Lumion, OM by Cycot, FM by Cycot, Nevaris...
Coachings unter http://www.cycot.de / Tutorials unter http://www.allplanlernen.de

Thank you for your clarification! Goodbye.